What Impostor Syndrome Really Means

Sara Noel-de-Tilly
2 min readApr 28, 2021

I have a sticky note on the wall next to my computer that says something that all freelancers and creative entrepreneurs need to hear every once in a while:

YOU ARE CAPABLE. That’s why they hired you. They value your expertise.

When you work for yourself, confidence isn’t always consistent. Every so often, a little sliver of doubt slips in, and you find yourself staring at a blank document in front of you wondering why the hell someone paid you thousands of dollars to write their website copy when you barely have a single brain cell left in your head.

…or something like that.

And — after a few more minutes wallowing in your self-pity, a 3-minute audio message to your friend, a snack, a visit to your email inbox (for the 14th time this morning), and a mindless Internet scroll — you remember who the F you are and get back to work, ready to conquer your project with your newfound motivation.

This is a completely normal cycle. Everyone has moments where they feel like they’re not good enough, despite how untrue that narrative is.

(And yes, I’m talking about Impostor Syndrome again, because I hate her and I wish we could all collectively agree to kick her to the curb.)

Feeling like this does not mean that you’re bad at your job. Feeling like this does not mean that you aren’t worthy of success. Feeling like this DEFINITELY does not mean that you don’t know what you’re doing.

In fact, it means the opposite…

These feelings mean that you’re human, and that you care deeply about the project you’re creating for the humans that are trusting in you, your talents, and your professional opinion.

So, next time you’re feeling like your last brain cell is circling the drain, stop what you’re doing, get some fresh air, take a break…

Then remind yourself that YOU ARE CAPABLE, and that your clients hired you because they value your expertise. And get back to work, this time completely confident that you’re the (wo)man for the job.

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